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Horse Spot in the news

Trusted reviews by our users


“Horse Spot made it so easy to know where we were in the day and which classes my daughter was riding in! Loved seeing the results, too!”

— Terri G

Show ManageR

"Horse Spot makes everything so much easier! I have been running the entire show office myself. Our exhibitors love the online results too!"

— Toni B.

Show manager

"Horse Spot has changed the game. Now, we make all of our adds and scratches at the in-gate and results are online instantly. The riders and parents love it!"

— Brad B.

office secretary

"This is hands down the easiest and most user friendly program I’ve ever used!"

— Helen D.


"It’s so cool to see all my classes and results. I can search for all my friends too!"

— Courtney Z.

show manager

"We have signed on with Horse Spot! We are looking forward to using this program for ease and accessibility going forward!"

— Old Seoul Equestrian


"Finally, an easy way to find all of my child’s results and ribbons! I love Horse Spot!"

— Holly J.

Show manager

"Big fan of this one! It makes the day SO much nicer!"

— Thea M. with Tower Hill Stables


"Used it today at Palatine Stables NIHJA. It is user friendly and really informative. I have to believe show management loves this tool! Kudos."

— Susan T.


"Thank you Horse Spot!!! Rock River Equestrian loves the new program!"

— Kori K.

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No friendship compares to the one that starts with horsemanship.